Burger King - Wardrobe Malfunction / Tussle (2004) 0:30 (USA)

While other agencies and advertisers are blanding their efforts in the wake of Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl Nipplegate incident, Crispin Porter + Bogusky and Burger King decided instead to have fun with the whole, silly, overreacted ruckus.

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deeped's picture

Lovely stupidity. CP+P has found the way to do this sort of ads without me feeling tired of the cool-factor.

junyr's picture

Lovely stupidity or Stupidly funny. This will never be a classic but is still quite good.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I love these new "The Office" BK spots. This would have been funnier if it was 15 seconds. This 30 second version is too deliberate.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Great campaign. Good natured humor set within regular cast of charactors. Way cute. What's with the long pauses, C.P.&B? Sell the rights and film the TV pilot already.

AnonymousCoward's picture

This commercial would be talked about everywhere if they run it! Best of the year so far. Needs to be run all over TV.