Massive amount of holiday sites for Office Max

Toy, NY was given the task of creating a holiday campaign with a small budget to convince folks to do their holiday shopping at an office supply store.

They decided they'd have to do some giving of their own.

So to that effect, Office Max now has about 20 games and microsites under the theme "Spread the cheer", a couple of which borrow from the cult classic "A Christmas Story".

"An office-supply store as a gift destination wasn't exactly an easy leap," said Ari Merkin, partner and executive creative director at Toy. "If we were going to ask people to get a gift at Office Max, we felt we would have to start by doing a little giving of our own."

Check out the sites below:
Don't Shoot Your Eye Out - shooter type out for ricochet.
Stuck to a Pole - Just what it says.
My Holiday Sweater - Get back at grandma.
Shake The Globe - Shake it.
Roast a Turkey - Seriously!
Everything's A Reindeer - Babies, dogs, cats, etc.
Reindeer Arm Wrestling - Can you beat the reindeer?
You Got Elfed - Spoofin' Punked.
Elf Yourself - Turn yourself into a dancing elf.
Elf Interviews - Get to know the folks behind the jolly man.
Mistletoe in an Elevator - Livin' it up when you're going down.
Season's Sculpting - Make your own ice carvings.
Faux Charity Donation Generator - Send a donation to some strange charities or make up your own
Guess My Gift - Can the site guess what you want for the holidays?
A Worldwide Wish - More wishes make the tree grow.
Conspiracy Carols - Plays jingle bells backwards with your "message".
Yes I'm Working - Spreadsheet heaven!
Save The Snowman - Hangman snowman-style
North Pole Dancing - Make santa dance.
Greetings From the North Pole - Did you know it's cold up there?


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