This is the story of a dramatic day in a mouse's life. He sniffs out some good cheese and risks his life for it - which as it turns out, is worth it. Not for the faint hearted, but our wee hero pulls through!
Created by animation master John Nolan, who used a live mouse for the opening shots and animatronics for the rest. This is not for a brand of cheddar cheese, it's a show-off piece for Nolan.
"I think that animatronics is still very strong in modern filmmaking and I would say that it’s about finding the perfect balance of practical and computer FX that makes a great film. Spike Jonze’s ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and Chris Cunningham’s ‘All is Full of Love’ are perfect examples of that."
Created by: John Nolan films
Music: "Top Of The World" by The Carpenters, "The end" by The Doors and "Eye of the tiger" by Survivor