#OGhamburglar - The Hamburglar Gets Paroled From Prison (Episode 1) (2015)

Born under a bad sign, the OG Hamburglar is nothing like the new hipster Hamburglar you've seen parading around in the press with his George Michael stubble and high top red sneakers. The #OGHamburglar is back in action (straight outta prison) brought to you by a team of rogue creatives who want to bring the beloved character back to life outside of lockdown. All we know about the creatives is that they're from Canada. We think. Does McDonald's know about this?

Creative Director Brian Engleman says, “I grew up watching Ronald McDonald and the gang sell hamburgers back in the eighties. I think the Hamburglar might be the reason I got into advertising."
Creative Director Brett Landry says, "We love the Hamburglar and hope that McDonald's will enjoy our interpretation of the original character.”

Creatives: Brian Engleman & Brett Landry

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