The toilet's makin' a funny sound. And the garage door is about to fall right off. But you won 5,000 from an Ohio Lottery Instant Game. Today is Ray Day.
And OH man what a day it is. Sitting in your tub with a giant plate of nachos while a saxophonist plays Smoove Jazz just for you and someone else paints your portrait.. The slow pull back here is delicious. And so is the insight: it doesn't take a lot to feel like a million.
Client: Ohio Lottery Commission
Agency: Marcus Thomas, Cleveland
Chief Idea Officer: Joanne Kim
CD/AD: Eric Holman
CW: Kevin Delsanter
Agency Producer: Jerrod McMillin
Account Supervisor: Debbie Pirone
Media Director: Elizabeth Ballash
Production Co./Post: The PPS Group
Director: Mike Goubeaux
D.P.: Dallas Sterling
Exec Producer: Deb Price
Editor: Preston Price
Sound: Big Science Music
Composer: Jay Green
Producer: Rebecca Senneway
That slow pullout is perfection. I'm so annoyed to see it now, because I have pitched tons of slow pullouts for the comedic effect, and have had people screw it up because they just didn't understand how great a slow pull-out can be.
And yes, I'm still talking about ads. Hush.
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