Old Spice man on a horse replies to @Jakrose with a personal commercial

How does Old Spice take care of the social media momentum they have garnered with their fantabolous ads? By jumping in head first, wearing only a towel as Isaiah Mustafa shows here. @jakrose tweeted "@OldSpice haha. nice. Interested in doing an email interview for SocialFresh.com? Maybe, 'How Old Spice Tweets?'" and this is how w+k responded. Fast, and funny.

Check the oldspice channel for more responses to tweets. Tweet @oldspice and maybe he'll reply to you!

Update It has ended, a whopping 87 ads later all great things must come to an end - I'm already betting on MAJOR Cannes Cyber wins for Old Spice in 2011. Who's with me?

Executive Creative Director: Mark Fitzloff/Susan Hoffman
Creative Director: Jason Bagley/Eric Baldwin
Art Director: Craig Allen/Eric Kallman
Copywriter: Craig Allen/Eric Kallman
Agency Producer: Erin Goodsell/Ben Grylewicz
Planner: Britton Taylor
Account Supervisor: Diana Gonzalez/Jess Monsey
Production Company: MJZ Los Angeles, USA
Director: Tom Kuntz
Producer: Jeff Scruton
Editor: Carlos Arias, Final Cut
Sound Design/Arrangement: Lime Studios
Post Production: Saima Awan
Other Credits: VFX Company: The Mill, Los Angeles/Producer: Arielle Davis/Ep: Sue Troyan

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kurtberengeiger's picture

Old Spices' "Responses" have really put the "social" back into social media campaigns. Thumbs up.

Dabitch's picture

I agree, it's funny. I wonder if it's Old Spice's fault that the youtube servers aren't responding right now though. Ha!

horse photos's picture

It's funny. Thanks for sharing.