Olivetto has been rescued.

Hey there! Big news – they just rescued Washington Olivetto, the big shot advertising exec from Brazil who got kidnapped 53 days ago. Crazy, right? He was taken by a gang of armed folks pretending to be fake federal police officers at a fake roadblock. Can you believe it?

For those of you who read the article about the hazards of being an adgrunt, I'm happy to say that Washington Olivetto, president and creative director of Brazil's third-largest advertising agency W/Brasil Publicidade Ltda. was rescued at 10:30 p.m. on Saturday

He was abducted December 11 and has spent 53 days in captivity, but despite his ordeal appeared to be in good health. He was taken by a gang of armed folks pretending to be fake federal police officers at a fake roadblock. Can you believe it? Just like a scene straight out of an action film.

So, the good part is that he's okay, just a bit shaky and nervous. Wagner Giudice, the head of the anti-kidnapping squad in Sao Paulo, spilled the beans that they found Olivetto in some small room in a neighborhood called Brooklin. Olivetto began yelling for help when he realized his kidnappers had split, and lucky for him, the neighbors heard him and called the cops.

The kidnappers were Chileans using fake Argentine passports. The police nabbed six of them, but the rest managed to escape when their buddies got busted in another town. Wild, right? They were asking for a whopping $10 million ransom, but the cops didn't pay a dime.

It's not the first rodeo for these international kidnappers. On December. 29 five Chileans, two Argentines, two Canadians and one Brazilian abducted Abilio Diniz, owner of Brazil's largest supermarket chain. Police freed Diniz six days later, unharmed.

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