Onitsuka Tiger - Tansu Shoe - (2010) Gold lion

The Onitsuka Tiger Tansu Shoe took four months to build, by a family of ninth generation Japanese cabinet makers before it became both a website, and went on tour in Tiger shops around the world where people could interact with the cabinet itself.

Richard Gorodecky Executive Art Director
Andrew Watson Creative Director
Dan Goransson Copywriter
Rickard Engstorm Art Director
Ogura Tansu Ten Tansu Sneaker Artisans
InLoveWith Online developers
Michel Dubois Orchard Represents Photographer
Bill Tanaka Stop Motion Photography
Noch Display Replica Model Makers
Jonathan Fletcher Planning Director
Ben Jaffe Planner
Samantha Koch Producer
Nicolette Lazarus Business Development Director
Paula Ferrai Account Director
Romain Lauby Account Manager
Sandra Koopmans ASICS Europe BV Communications Manager

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