YWCA - If you pay peanuts, you'll ge women - (2012)

Women make 10% less at any job than a man in New Zealand, and this campaign wants you to Demand Equal Pay. Rent is higher on Mars, but how much is makeup and feminine hygiene products? Did you know that from now until the end of the year, women work for free? Yikes.

See also the previous commercial, YWCA AUckland - Parking.

Agency DDB Group New Zealand
Country New Zealand

Art Director / Copywriter : Toby Morris, Lisa Fedyszyn, Simone Louis, Jonathan McMahon

Executive Creative Director : Andy Fackrell
Creative Director: Steve Kane

Account Director : Jenny Travers
Planner: Jamie Barrett
Print Producer : Andy Robilliard

Account Executive - Amy Pollock
Print Designer - Amanda Summersby
CEO YWCA Auckland - Monica Briggs
Marketing & Communications Manager YWCA Auckland - Shelley Geenty
President YWCA Auckland - Kate Sutton

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