Oreo's social media "posters" are a daily treat.

We come in peace. With Oreo cookies. August 5 Mars landing.
Are you ready to dunk and roll?! August 3rd
Night time is the right time for an Oreo cookie. Aug 2
Never has a golden Oreo looked so good.  Aug 1
  Twist, lick, dunk and twist, lick, dunk... July 31
Cheesecake and Oreo. Nuff said. National Cheese day July 30
They came from outer space...actually, they came from the supermarket. July 29
No shirt, no shoes, no problems. Dunk’s up. 28th July
Don’t forget to hold your pinky out when you dunk.
Is it a boy or girl? July 26

Since they're are in the digital realm, and not traditional "press" or OOH, we've been posting updates on the Oreo cookies timely images in digital, like we did with the Rainbow stuffing image, and the red Mars Rover one yesterday. You can easily follow Oreo on twitter or facebook, and get their daily treat which is essentially an old school poster campaign in a new-school media, where I'm sure the brief is a standing one that everyone in the office has had a stab at, as they need to be simple and timely. What a fun constant brief to have!

The colored creams exist nowhere but in the depths of photoshop. While the rainbow cookie and other visuals may have courted controversy, people seem to be still more upset with the "Shut the front door" ad, where at least two people are really really upset.

Advertising Agency: Draftfcb, USA
Executive Creative Director: Gary Resch
Creative Director: Megan Sheehan
Group Creative Director: Jill Applebaum
Copywriter: Noel Potts
Art Directors: Jackie Anzaldi, Jared Isle, Mike Lubrano
Executive Producer: Anthony Nelson

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