OUIGO - Going Green without even trying - all films (2022) :60 (France)

Open on a couple showering together... Yes, that's going green without even trying. In fact there are a lot of things that you might be doing that helps the environment, which you don't even think about.

OUIGO, SNCF’s low-cost train network in France, is unveiling this new campaign for more sustainable mobility in 2023. A campaign created by ROSA PARIS echoes the daily life of the French.

For most, it’s no longer a matter of raising awareness about the environment, it’s time to take action. But reconciling our motive to do so with our wants and budget can be tricky. OUIGO understands that and considers its offer of an innovative way to make going green easy and accessible a crucial part of its value proposition.

Because there is nothing more satisfying than being able to go green without having to make sacrifices or change our daily habits, the brand is highlighting all those small everyday gestures we make without even realizing their environmental impact: consuming less water by showering together, saving electricity by unplugging consoles kids spends too much time in front of anyways, reducing air pollution when our scooters break down...

OUIGO recognizes that taking the train is a choice based more on low prices than a conscience effort to reduce CO2 emissions. That being said, taking an OUIGO lowers CO2 emissions by 96% compared to driving, while saving money.

In the long run, it doesn’t necessarily matter if we go green consciously or not, the result is the same, having a positive impact on the planet.

"Going green without even trying”, a campaign intended to ease the guilt and reassure those consciously concerned about the environment, will be released in April.

"OUIGO, the benchmark for low- cost rail travel in Europe, makes responsible mobility accessible with low prices, whether by TGV or OUIGO classic trains. The choice of saving the planet by traveling doesn’t have to be a financial effort, a constraint, or a commitment: taking a OUIGO is a simple, accessible act, with the environment at its core!" said Jérôme Laffon, Managing Director, OUIGO.



Managing Director: Jérôme Laffon

Marketing Director: Maxime Legrand

Brand Manager: Laetitia Noel

Social Media Brand Manager : Blandine Blanchard


Co-founders : Jean-Patrick Chiquiar, Gilles Fichteberg, Jean-François Sacco

Vice President : Delphine Drutel

Creative Directors: Nicolas Gadesaude, Julien Saurin

Copywriters: William Verdel, Sébastien Mertens

Artistic Directors: William Verdel, Sébastien Mertens

Advising Director: Camille Courant

Client Director: Léa Marchal

Account Director: Briac Mauny

Strategic Planner: Valentin Lefebvre

Head of Production: Elodie Jonquille

TV Producer: Héloise Duquenoy

Head of Social Media: Ségolène Varloud

Social Media Manager: Léo Richard

Communications Director: Lauren Weber


Director : Guy de la Palme

Producer : Hadrien Penavaire

Production Director : Laetitia Snaoui

Sound Production : Schmooze

Post-Production : Reepost

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