Pacifico "Windsurfing" (2015) :30 (USA)

If Corona's positioned itself as the sit-your-ass-on-the-beach-and-watch-the-world-go-by kind of beer, Pacifico is positioning itself as beer for those beach goers who want an active lifestyle. Nice way to differentiate between the two brands. I dIg the surf music, too.

Brand: Pacifico Beer
Chief Marketing Officer: Jim Sabia
Brand Director: Santiago Gallo
Associate Brand Manager: Nick Lopezzo

Agency: GSD&M
Creative Director: Joel Davis
Creative Director: Hayden Gilbert
Senior Writer: Barrett Michael
Senior Art Director: Chris Carlberg
VP/Account Director: Jeff Orth
Account Supervisor: Karen White
Account Manager: Mario Solis
Executive Producer: Laura Busino
Producer: Taylor Johns

Director: David Falossi II
Producer: Daniela Huml
DP: Rick Starick, Jeff McCoy
Post: Union Editorial
Senior Producer: Rob McCool
Editor: Rachael Waxler
Assistant Editor: Andrew Johnson

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