Paper Denim & Cloth holds “The Instashoot” on Instagram, Montreal movie posters made on Instagram

Seems that Pinterest and Instagram are still in fierce competition on who is going to be advertisers favorite this month, and so far Instagram is looking like they have the more interesting ideas.....

First up, Paper Denim & Cloth is re-launching this week with a new collection on Wednesday live on Instagram. The fashion brand, which has been dormant for the last few years, is making a comeback with a new Spring/Summer 2013 ready-to-wear clothing line.

Paper Denim & Cloth believes fashion should be democratic, less about a particular style, and more about men and women bringing their own style to life. It’s inclusive and authentic.

Thus the Instashoot, which "introduces the new fashion line democratically and makes it accessible to everyone in real time." as the release says. The new line will be unveiled in real time on @paperdenimcloth on Instagram. Image by image. Look by look. So if I bother following that account (which I won't by the way), I can see the images. Cute.

But that's not the only Instagram-connected campaign we have this week, ad agency Taxi teamed with the Instagramers Montreal collective to make 87 posters selling a film called J'Espère Que Tu Vas Bien. There's a concept behind the images, the movie is 87 minutes of improvisation, and the Instragram images are taken around Montreal in areas seen in the film, during 87 minutes. David Gianatasio of adweek has put up a gallery of some of the Instagram posters here, bless. There was 600 shots Instagrammed in total, but we needn't see them all.

Lovely as these ideas are, they're not really using Instagram all that well, are they? I mean, there's no tagging going on, and there's no reason to get the audience/punters/consumers involved in your Instagram-campaign.
You know, the "social" part of "social media".
Perhaps if I could have tried on the clothes and then Instagrammed myself with a tag like #paperdenimcloth, which then could have collected on an Instragram-scraping webpage instead. Bonus it would have felt more "democratic" too, as everyone including old farts like myself could now be a Paper Denim Cloth model.
It feels like these ideas are just on Instagram to be able to say it in press releases.

Chanteland / Alex
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