Pedigree "The Walk" (2015) :45 (USA)

It's okay, everyone. Racism is officially over. MLK's dream has come true, thanks to commercially produced dog food. First Starbucks tried, but we just weren't ready to accept that message. Now, thankfully, reports are already coming in that Ferguson, and Baltimore race relations have never been better, and now, I am told, Bahar Mustafa has reportedly apologized for her tweet using the hashtag #killallwhitemen, thanks to finding the love of a Labradoodle.

This is a great example of having a really smart insight (you always meet someone on a dog walk, and these encounters bring us together) and taking it to such a ridiculous conclusion that somewhere, someone in the approval process should have raised their hand and asked some questions along the lines of "The idea that owning a pet is an effective soothing balm against racism...isn't this just a wee bit of an over promise? Isn't it hitting the audience over the head to have this in black and white? Don't we come across as being just a bit naive and/or self-serving by jumping on a topic like this? And with Baltimore still smoldering from riots, does this not seem like the wrong time to be bringing forth a message like this?"

Congrats on joining the conversation, Pedigree.

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Wow. So heavy handed.