Pepsi - Uncle Teddy - (2011) :30 (USA)

First Santa takes vacation and strays from his Coke in a pretty terrible ad, now the Coke polar bears are doing the same. "Uncle Teddy" (even the name is an awful choice) interrupts a family of polar bears vacationing in the snow as he glides in with his yacht to the tunes of Montell Jordan. With his bikini-polar-bears bouncing next to him (gaaah!) the actor in an obvious polar bear suit lifts up his mirror glasses to reveal that he's tanned. Everything about this ad is terrible, but it gets worse. It was directed by Joe Pytka.

Ever wondered what the Coke Polar Bears do during the summer? They drink Pepsi on yachts, obviously. The spot opens on a family of Polar Bears in the arctic, bored to tears as they try to enjoy summer in the snow. The calm scene is suddenly interrupted by the sweet sounds of Montell Jordan playing on a party boat heading toward the shore. The Yacht pulls up being driven by a tanned–up, Pepsi-pounding polar bear named “Uncle Teddy.” The polar bears promptly hop on the yacht and take off to warmer waters. With everyone drinking Pepsi and rocking out like they’re in a rap video, it certainly looks like summer time is Pepsi time.

Production Co: Pytka
Director: Joe Pytka
EP: Tara Fitzpatrick
Editorial Co: Nomad Editorial
Editor: John Murray
EP: Susye Melega
Producer: Nicole Steele
VFX Co: QuietMan
VFX Artist: Johnnie Semerad
EP/Partner: Carey Gattyan
Music: Montell Jordan “This is How We Do It”
Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day
Chief Creative Officer: Rob Schwartz
Group Creative Director: Brett Craig
Creative Director: Xanthe Hohalek
Art Director: John Baker
Copywriter: Chris Jones
Senior Producer: Mila Davis
Assistant Producer: Stephanie Dziczek

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Ai Caramba

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Isn't global warming a HOOT!?!?