Pizza Hut's motivation revealed.

Robblink asked earlier "why was the Ween version of the "where the cheese at" ad pulled?", as ad age revealed that Pizza Hut was returning to more traditional advertising. The non Ween version was still running.

Clayton seems to have found the why: Black Family Sues Pizza Hut - Thirteen members of a family are suing the operator of a Pizza Hut for $2 million, alleging they were refused service because they are black.

Colonial Foods LLC maintains that employees tried to explain to the family that they couldn't be served because the restaurant had run out of cheese and couldn't make any more pizzas.

"It was a cheese issue, not a race issue," said Tim McConville, an attorney for the company.

We still want to know, where did the cheese go, particularly the Ween version, and this trial may help shed some light on the matter.

Damn honkies.

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