Polish Stop Hating Association "#ryjkuzniara" (2015) :30 (Poland)

This spot features Jaroslav Kuzniar, one of the most hated journalists in Poland. The comments are real ones directed towards him, and those words or insults slowly come to life on his face until he's covered, literally, with shit. I don't know anything about Jaroslav (or, spelled in Polish, Jarosław Kuźniar) except his wiki says he was host of X Factor in 2011 and 2012. Is that why they hate him?

Polish Stop Hating Association
Advertising Agency: DDB&tribal Warsaw, Poland
Agency website: http://ddbtribal.pl/en/ddb
Creative Director: Zuza Duchniewska-Sobczak, Maciek Waligora
Art Director: Nina Peret, Dawid Bogucki
Copywriter: Piotr Zygmunt
Photographer: Jacek Kolodziejski
Account Manager: Iwona Maksylewicz, Dawid Kazmierczak
Agency Producer: Elzbieta Mielcuch
Production House: SHOOTME
Director: Jacek Kolodziejski
Make-up Artist: Paula Celinska
Producer: Maja Ajnenkiel / Michal Majewski

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