Oh, the places you'll go! Poo~Pourri girl is back, and now they've gone all Glee Club on us, turning it into a weirdo musical where girls gab about dates at the salon and men chat about same during ass-to-ass yoga. Pooping puns galore, and you thought they had exhausted the possibilities by second-hand stink, but the writers really strained themselves to push out a few more.
Poo~Pourri Girl: Bethany Woodruff
The Poo Crew: Suzy and Hector Batiz (Poo~Pourri Founders)
Not so much Glee as dance video that would cause Lady GaGa flatulence. Sorry. Yep, i'm not the target demo for sure so it's not for me to say how far off base this could be. Oh, autotune vocals makes my ears bleed.
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