Public ad-service announcement: The @John_Hegarty on twitter is not the real Hegs

I thought everyone knew this by now, but apparently not. @John_Hegarty on twitter is as fake as @SirSorrel was, and @bbhlondon wants it stopped.

How did I know? The first day he was on twitter I tweeted him an injoke that the real John Hegarty would have known - something to do with condoms and yes I know what that sounds like. Please don't make me explain, trust me in that it really is one of those "You had to be there" stories. It's an ancient joke that stems from way back in the day when John was one of my fantastic tutors at The School of communication arts in London and every student in the school was making condom ads - kind of like how every student these days make tabasco ads. Stop it. Anyway, the fake John Hegarty did not respond. Thusly, I knew he was fake.

Seems not everyone is savvy to this though, so now you know. Unlike @davetrott @Heywhipple and @markwnek - John on twitter isn't the real deal. He's as fake as @BogusBogusky .

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