Rag & Bone "Fall 2014" (2014) 2:30 (USA)

Rag & Bone showcases their fall 2014 collection with this ethereal, beautiful dance meets story telling piece. Great soundtrack, too by K-OS.

Brand: Rag&Bone

Production Company: Believe Media
Director: Wendy Morgan
Exec Producer: Jannie McInnes
Producer: Lia Mayer-Sommer for Walter Pictures
DP: Alexander Dynan
Production Coordinator: Justin Realmuto
1rst AD: Roy Conde

Commissioner: Dilly Gent

Choreographer: Kyle Abraham

Cast: Kyle Abraham and Indigo Ciochetti
Friends: Catherine Kirk and Stephanie Crousillat
Hair/MakeUp: Zenia Jaeger

Track: "Ocean Picture" by Big Noble
Track: "The Rain" by K-OS
Editor: Geoff Ashenhurst

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