Ragu - Moon Topaz Henderson - (2013)

When I hear the hilarious jingle-singing begin, I'm getting more than a fleeting feel of the real American Heroes Bud Light vibe. Ces't la vie.

Agency: Barton F. Graf 9000, New York
Music Company: Butter Music & Sound, New York
Sound Design Company: Mister Bronx Audio Post, New York
Chief Creative Officer: Gerry Graf
Executive Creative Director: Eric Kallman
Creative Director: David Suarez
Creative Director: Danny Gonzalez
Executive Producer: Josh Morse
Account Executive: Kelsey Robertson
Composer: Andrew Sherman, Butter Music & Sound, New York
Producer: Ian Jefferies, Butter Music & Sound, New York
Audio Engineer: David Wolfe, Mister Bronx Audio Post, New York
Composer: Judson Crane, Butter Music & Sound, New York

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