Ram - Man Made Drama - (2013) :60 (USA)

Escape the city, return to the wild, with a really modern car. Sure, why not?

Client: Chrysler Group LLC
Chief Marketing Officer, Chrysler Group LLC: Olivier Francois
Head of Advertising, Ram Truck Brand: Marissa Hunter
Ram Advertising Specialist: Nicole Pesale

Agency: The Richards Group
Brand Creative: Rob Baker, Jimmy Bonner, Lori Wittig & Jeff Hodgson
Brand Management: Dennis Berchulc, Chris Siminski, & Jaime Roderer
Production Company: Lucky Twenty One
Director: The Chartrands
DP: The Chartrands and Dean Mitchell
EP: John Gilliland

Post: Lucky Post
Editor: Logan Hefflefinger
Assist Editor: John Valle
Graphics: Seth Olson
Sound: Scottie Richardson
Finish: Tone Visuals @ Lucky Post
Color: Company 3

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