"Rebirth" playstation poster Grand Prix winner 2003

Playstation has won the Grand Prix in poster before - "Nipple" a few years back showed playstation symbols instead of pertruding nipples under tight teen sweaters. This poster is slightly rauncier. Scandinavian winners listed as well. Read mo' to see poster.

Creative Director: Erik Veruroegen
Copywriter: Eric Helias
Art Director: Jorge Carreno
Photographer: Dimitri Daniloff
Agency: TBWA, Paris, France

Scandinavian winners:
Film award.
"Theatre" for Telenor Plus, made by New Deal DDB Norway
"Subway" for Telenor Plus, made by New Deal DDB Norway
"Ketchup" for förenings sparbanken by Lowe Brindfors, Sweden

Press Award
"Ibsen" for Norlis bokhandel, made by Leo Burnett Norway
"Hemingway" for Norlis bokhandel, made by Leo Burnett Norway

The Young Director Award (Shots) european test category was won by a Norweigan, Björn Fast Nagell from Motion Blur, with his film "Homeless" for Mastercard. The broadcast category winner, directed by David Lea & John Williams can be viewed on Shots site.

Search for many more winners at Cannes Lions site

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Dabitch's picture

..perhaps. Now, if she were less Harvey Nicols and more pregnant I might get it.

CaptainBOB's picture

Crap. Aside from the lack of a connection to anything, haven't we all seen enough pregnancy/birth ads?

anonymous's picture

i think that is cool, ladyramblernash,here, talk at you later

anonymous's picture

Are the fingers on the woman's hand in the position one uses to play Playstation?


Dabitch's picture

We've heard of vibrating controllers for that realistic feel, but this is .....

cosmonaut's picture

Isn´t Denmark part of Scandinavian? :D

Outdoor Silver:
Bianco Footwear campaign, by &Co, Denmark

Dabitch's picture

hehe, sure it is - didn't spot the Outdoor Silver winner, congrats andco.dk (flash site)

CopyWhore's picture

Utter crap. Where's an idea? Where's a thought, even?

Rebirth? That's a stretch (no pun, thank you very much...)

How does a stunt like this win the Cannes Grand Prix?