Renault KWID - "Heroes" (2017) 1:00 (Brazil)

The Renault KWID and Marvel have teamed up to bring us a thrilling spot for a compact car dubbed "the SUV of compacts." This is the first time a Marvel character has been selected to star in a commercial in Latin America. The script was a collaboration between NEOGAMA, Renault and Marvel and it took mroe than four months to complete.
Set in Sao Paulo, the film In the film, stars a day dreaming man, who, stuck at a traffic light, gazes out the window to see a Hulk movie poster in a bus shelter. His fantasy takes over as the news radio broadcaster announces a sattelite is hurtling towards eath. The Hulk takes off to save the city and the man follows suit, driving past famous Sao Paulo landmarks like Minhocao, Paulista Avenue and an epic climb in the Altino Arantes building – Banespa. Which is not only a nice travel guide for the vity but also a clever way to demonstrate the KWID's handling, and place it on par with an SUV.
The high-octane action never lets up.As Hulk saves the day, and the mancomes back to reality courtesy of a call from his lady, he feels like a hero in his car, too. By the way post production (3D) fcame from rom Framestore London, who were responsible for the special effects Harry Potter, and Avengers: The Age of Ultron, among others.
Ths spot will run on free and cable tv, press, digital, out of home, and thankfully movie theaters, too, as why create something this epic not to show in in a contextually relevant place.

Agency: Neogama
Client: Renault
Chief Creative Officer: Alexandre Gama
Creative Director: Fabio Mozeli, Márcio Ribas
Copywriter: Marcelo Carvalho, Rafael Zoehler
Art Director: Gabriel Marcondes, Rommel Vaz
Head of Production: Mariah Bayeux
Agency Producer: Paula Alimonda
Account: Fabio Losso, Rodrigo Moraes
Planner: Albano Neto
Media: Luiz Gini
Production Company: PBA CINEMA
Director: Jonathan Gurvit
Co-director: Santiago Dulce
Film Editor: Rami D'Aguiar
Post Production: Framestore
Sound Design: Satélite Áudio
Marvel Partnerships: Chris Lisciandro, Greg Gustin

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