Results in from the Fark Reality Advertising Challenge

This is a follow up on the The Rise of "Reality Advertising" - "Reality advertising is a trend in the making., a networking site like Friendster and Ryze have put out an RFP to members of Fark, a community weblog, asking Farkers to create an ad campaign for the company. Ringo is offering a $1,000 prize to the winning entry."

The winner has just been announced - it was Beer Friends. The rest of the entries can be viewed here.

Although none of the entries are likely to start any large felines roaring in S. France, this experiment does suggest that there is some decent potential here. Ringo only put up $1,000, and got this response. Imagine what could be achieved for $5,000.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Quick! Lets all email and complain (like in the recent banned Levis horse jumping over train ad) that people might actually do that after seeeing the ad and get it banned! *chuckle* Actually that was pretty funny for only a thou.

Dabitch's picture

The idea is okay funny.

blabla's picture

[this is good!]

bollochs, ye shall post more, I like what you bring to the front page.