RIP Farrah Fawcett

I'm sure we're not the only ones to be saddened by the passing of the iconic Farrah Fawcett. She'll be remembered as a pop icon, Angel, TV, Film and off-broadway actress. We'd like to recall a few of the spots she appeared in, mostly during the 70s.

Noxzema Joe Namath / Farah Fawcett(1973) 0:30 (USA)

Noxema - Farah Fawcett / Great balls of comfort (1975) :30 (USA)

Ultra Brite - Farah Fawcett / My mother told me - (1971) :30

Lady Schick Speed Styler - "and it's fast!" - (1972)

Mercury Cougar X-R7 - It's challenging, It's serene / Farah Fawcett - 1975 

Faberge Shampoo - Farrah Fawcett Shampoo - (1976) 


There are a few more on YouTube, but the quality of some of the videos leaves something to be desired.

Farrah with Penny Marshall in a spot for Head & Shoulders

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AnonymousCoward's picture

I don't know what's hotter in the Mercury ad, that huge manly car or Farrah in her prime. Not one single mention of gas mileage!

Dabitch's picture

My favourite is the "my mother told me" toothpaste ad. Her smile made dentists weep of joy.