Rolling Stone proves Adland's social media theory.

By now most of you have heard Rolling Stone magazine generated controversy by featuring bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of its magazine as some tasty link bait. They then hid behind journalistic integrity like the cowards they are, not seeing the irony in link bait as being anything but journalistic integrity.

Regular people (you know: the consumer, the intended target, the potential readers of Rolling Stone, etc.) reacted with outrage on social media, and even created a Facebook Page to boycott them.

Now, I know, I know. I can hear you saying already: these boycotts never go anywhere. Right?

And my favorite, not from a brand, but from Boston's Mayor, Jake Tapper:

For years, Adland has been shouting it to all those have have fallen under the spell of a Social Media Guru: you can be a huge social media winner and still not sell your product. Talk does not translate into sales or views. No matter what the media channel, "Don't Be An Asshole" will always apply.

But Rolling Stone gets an extra special gold star today. Because they not only not selling product thanks to their actions, but they managed to tarnish their brand in the process. Congrats!

And to the brands whose tweets we posted and the those we haven't because more are joining in by the minute, we say: Good Job.

Update, Boston Mayor says the Rolling Stone cover is a total disgrace and send a letter to them. (pic)
Update (Below): To disprove the sincerity of Rolling Stone's apology, we found that the senior Editor of Rolling Stone, Christian Hoard, tweeted earlier this morning "So I guess we should have drawn a dick on Dzhokhar's face or something?" Har har har. This was of course deleted, but of course, it's the internet so you know. Can't hide, buddy.
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