Ryan Reynolds doesn't buy a Super Bowl ad, goes viral with single page NYT ad

"Everyone’s buying ads so I bought one too. Not on TV. In the @nytimes." tweeted Ryan Reynolds, with two photos of his ad. The ad is simple, the copy harps on about the price of the Super bowl ads these days and concludes that with that kind of money, he could give away free services instead. Which is exactly what he intends to do. Sign up at https://www.mintmobile.com/free/ for his wireless service and you get three months free. The "Owner, Subscriber" signoff has a bit of a "hair club for men" feeling to it, but perhaps the hipsters are bringing "I'm not just the president, I'm a client" back.


“I love ads. Except when they cost 5 million dollars for 30 seconds of airtime. Mint Mobile is premium wireless for an almost suspiciously great price. So instead of creating a pricey ad trying to convince people to try Mint, we’re going to let them try it for free.”

Ryan Reynolds | Owner, Subscriber

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I should probably have put this in the article, the first question was how much a NYT ad goes for:

Grumpy Creative's picture

When you have a great PR team an tremendous social media reach based on being a celebrity alone it's not that difficult to pull an idea like this off. It doesn't make it great.