Salesforce “This is a Mask” (2020) :90 (USA)

Salesforce’s new video “This Is A Mask” is a tribute to private partnerships for public good, and the many fast-moving, integrated people and systems it took to bring 60million units of urgently needed PPE to frontline workers.

“We were honored to collaborate with Salesforce on this meaningful project that highlights ingenuity and intention,” comments kaboom EP/Founder lauren schwartz. “Aligning all voices in the process from the start, and harnessing key creative partners from our collective, we were able to help Salesforce illuminate this gigantic, heroic effort. The team at Salesforce, including Jenn Wang and Kaitlin Pleas were among the most amazing partners we’ve ever collaborated with, and we hope the film inspires others to help where they can, including wearing a mask.”

All the familiar work from home scenes are shown in rapid succession, from kids butting in with their toys, to spouses asking for the fajita pan, all the while the voiceover repeats the word "this" so many times I feel like cutting it out of the English language forever. I realize it's meant to be a stylistic rythm, an ignition to propel the manifesto, but instead it becomes an annoying tick. 

Client: Salesforce

Chief Business Officer: Ryan Aytay

CRO, Salesforce Anywhere and Strategic Partnerships: Alyene Schneidewind

Senior Manager, Partner Marketing: Jennifer Wang

Director, Strategic Partnerships: Kaitlin Pleas


Agency: BANG Creative

Agency lead: Lauren Schwartz 

Creative, Art Director: Dylan Dibona

Creative, Copywriter: Peter Rudy


Production Company: kaboom

EP/Owner: lauren schwartz

Directors: plummer/strauss

HOP/Producer:  steven sills


Editor: Nick Pezzillo


Color: Sean Wells


Finish/Efx: Marco Ramirez


Music: Music and Strategy


Sound Mix & Design: Jay Shilladay

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