The Scream is back, but will M&M pay out?

M&M has been running a promotion for their Dark Chocolate Candies which included adding the Red M&M playing hopscotch in a reproduction of Edward Munch's The Scream which was placed in the Guggenheim Museum to bring "a bit of levity and a sense of humor to a famous dark existential painting."

In addition, a reward of 2 million dark chocolate candies is offered for the return of the original Scream, which was stolen in August 2004 from the Munch Museum in Oslo.

The BBC is reporting that the painting, along with the Madonna which was also stolen, have been found as part of a police sting operation. So far no rewards have been paid out.

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Dabitch's picture

HA! Well they'll have to pay out now! Lots of happy cops with a lifetime supply of M&M's - I think that'll be good! Cops can give them out to kids who behave. How much goodwill can you get for one silly prize? They should hop right on that!