Seagram’s Vodka - Patriot - (2009) :15 (USA)

"Aw is that right Patriot? Coming from the guy in the wig and the makeup, that's cute."

David&Goliath know one truth - the only thing football fans like as much as watching their favorite rivalries go head-to head is having a drink to go with it.

Ad Agency: David&Goliath (
Client: Seagram’s Vodka.
Chairman, Chief Creative Officer: David Angelo
Executive Creative Director: Colin Jeffery
Creative Director/Copywriter: Ben Purcell
Art Director: Peter Kehr
Copywriter: Daniel Kelly
Executive Producer/Managing Director, Broadcast Production: Carol Lombard
Agency Senior Producer: Carrie Lighthall
Managing Partner, Director Client Services: Mike Braue
Account Executive: Jana Wentz
Editorial: Spinach
Editor: Josh Reis
Asst Editor: Art Castle
Producer: Jonathan Carpio
Audio Post: Margarita Mix
Mixer: Nathan Dubin
Photographs: Stock

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