Smirnoff follows up Tea Partay with Boyz in the Hillz

Last year's Tea Partay viral was pretty successful.

A day ago, a video was posted to youtube where they seeded the idea of east coast vs. west coast.

Today, the sequel has been posted with the West Side representin' with their Green Tea.

Shame it's not as good as last year's video. But it does have a few ha moments.

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Dabitch's picture

I just stumbled onto this (warning derail) : Should Smirnoff be Advertising on YouTube?

For fifty years, the friendly corporations that serve you hard liquor voluntarily declined to create commercials for broadcast television, but then changed their minds in 1996. During that time, advertising for other mood-altering substances came and went — cigarette advertising was banned on television, while the ban on advertising pharmaceuticals was lifted here in the United States.

Now, I’m not calling for a repeal of the repeal of prohibition, but since YouTube and most other popular video sharing sites have taken the hard line on nipples, why isn’t anyone asking the same question about the promotion of booze, pills and cigarettes?

TheHuman's picture

That wasn't a very good follow-up ad. Also, youtube sucks.