Snickers - Snacklish / Dragon - (2009) :15 (USA)

Snacklish poster campaign that goes with this: located here.

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day New York
Directed by: The Perlorian Brothers
Chairman, Chief Creative Officer: Mark Figliulo
Creative Director: Rob Baird/John Matejczyk
Art Director: Dave Sakamoto/Brad Wood
Copywriter: Jonathan Marshall/Ryan Ebner
Executive Producer of Media Arts: Matt Bijarchi
Senior Producer: Jason Souter
Production Company: Furlined

Director: The Perlorian Brothers
Executive Producer: David Thorne
Head of Production: Earl McDaniel
Producer: Jay Shapiro
Editorial: Cosmo Street
Editor: Tom Scherma
Producer: Amy Febinger
Assistant Editor: Craig Deardorff
EFX Company: The Mill
Producer: Dan Roberts
VFX Supervisor: Phil Crowe/Jeff Robbins
Lead Flame Artist: Jeff Robbins
Color Correction: Company 3
Colorist: Tim Masick
Sound: Sound Lounge
Mixer: Philip Loeb
Media Agency: Media

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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kumquat52's picture

did they use the same set as the quest for G?? Sure looks like it
think i'v seen this movie before--b-o-r-i-n-g

adlib's picture

I bet they did. This whole campaign falls flat and the "snacklish" word is beyond the pale.

smizzly_bob's picture

What the hell did that have to do with candy?

And if the brand is SNICKers shouldn't the word be SNICKlish? SNACKlish would imply a brand named SNACKers.

lakshmankhude's picture

whats conncetion