SPCA - Meet Porter. The World's First Driving Dog - (2012) 1:48 (New Zealand)

Draftfcb New Zealand has partnered with client MINI New Zealand to help promote dog adoptions, but not in the way you'd expect… SPCA animals are smart, why just as clever as any other dog, and to prove it DraftFCB taught them how to drive Mini's. Yep. Driving dogs, coming soon to a highway near you. Dogs this smart deserve a home. Why, they can be the designated driver, as long as you're OK with only going ten miles an hour. At drivingdogs.co.nz you can meet Monty, Porter and Ginny, and watch videos of their driving lessons.

Ad agency: Draftfcb

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kidsleepy's picture

Let's hope he'll yield to pedestrians.

Dabitch's picture

He can't be a worse driver than some people in this city.