Stop The Traffik - Human Sale! Saatchi stunt attracts attention to Human trafficking.

Every year thousands of men, women and children are trafficked into the UK for forced labour and sexual exploitation. To help Stop The Traffik (a global coalition against people trafficking) to raise awareness about this trade in human lives, Saatchi & Saatchi X London advertised a ‘HUMAN SALE’ in the centre of London. For maximum impact, the ‘sale’ coincided with the last few days before a ban on this kind of familiar hand-held banner advertising in London came into place.

Created by Saatchi & Saatchi X London

Creative Director: Emma Perkins
Art Director: Seamus Higgins
Copywriter: Ant Melder
Communications Co-ordinator: Bex Keer

Side note, thank god they banned that poster/flyer crud as it was getting seriously out of hand in London.

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purplesimon's picture

The ban only applies to Westminster Council, not the whole of London, as far as I'm aware. And only in the West End, where the Golf Sale sign has been present for about 5 years. I know of no one that takes any notice of them, anyway!

Sadly, I expect most people in this area were tourists and advertising people. No sensible Londoner goes shopping there, as the whole area is pretty much full of bland brands and their equally bland clothing.

I quite like the idea, but believe it's been done before for a Pro Golf Sale.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

It has? Can I find the other ad here on adland?