Stüssy gets naked on Facebook, feels like other stripping models stunts.

The press release for the stripping Stüssy models reads as follows:

The ‘Strip for Likes’ campaign, live as of today, re-launches Amsterdam’s Facebook page for the American modis fashion brand- Stϋssy. The campaign has been created by Arnold Amsterdam, the new creative agency in town.
Sean Thompson, Head of Creativity, Arnold Amsterdam says: ‘As a contemporary brand you need to be wherever your fans live, shop or play. Facebook plays an integral part of their lives, Stϋssy AMS’ Facebook is therefore an important platform to engage with fans inform them or just share the fun.’
‘Like to see less, and share to undress’

So while work that matters wonders if Facebooks usual policy will allow this campaign to continue, while I just silently point to the - Super models take it off for climate change and yawn a little. It's kinda late here. Sheesh. And Yes I know I type really loud. Anyway, Tom does have a point, the Facebook community manager for Björn Borg got booted off FB after their fun underwear photo stunt was too nude as it contained buttcheeks (and may contain nuts but not any were seen). And in this case that cute model isn't stripping down to her skivvies attempting to make a point about climate change... Nope, Stüssy is just doing it for likes. Like the FB page = less clothing. Wow, that'll make you feel like a click-whore.

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