Super Bowl XLI madness begins

2006 ain't over yet, but we're already hearing chatter about advertisers in the lineup for Super Bowl XLI which will take place in Miami on February 4, 2007 at Dolphin Stadium. About 80% of the spots have already been sold, according to MediaWeek. Today, The New York Post reports that Motorola, Gillette, Aleve, and Taco Bell have decided to pass this year. Emerald Nuts and Ford are a couple of the brands still deciding on whether or not to return this year. There are rumors that Microsoft might push its Vista product in a spot.

Brands we know will return include Anheuser-Busch with enough ad time to run at least 10 30-second spots (like last year), Pepsi, with two spots, FedEx,, General Motors, Frito-Lay, and of course the movie studios.

The NFL, Chevrolet, and Doritos brands are asking John Q. Public to create their Super Bowl spots. Alka Seltzer will be running a pre-game spot with a new consumer-created jingle.

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