Suzuki "No Po Po" (2016) 1:52 (India)

New Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta are three of the noisiest cities in the world. It is so bad that 75% of the traffic cops in these cities have suffered permanent hearing damage. Despite efforts to curtail the excessive and unnecessary honking through signs, fines and slogans, nothing has worked. Maruti Suzuki, the automobile with the most cars on Indian roads, felt an obligation to do something about it. So they created a device that reads the number of times driver's honk. And then rewards them for not honking. The smart device, No Po Po, was mounted on dashboards and monitored the number of honks in each car. The fewer times you laid on the horn, the more rewards you got.
A companion app let you track how many times you honked as well as set your honking target.
In just three months there was a whopping 43% drop in honking patterns. The moral of the story is this: If shaming doesn't work, give 'em a reward instead.

Advertising Agency: Dentsu Webchutney, New Delhi, India
Agency website:
Chief Creative Technologist: Gurbaksh Singh
Group Head - Copy: Nitin Jain
Sr. Copywriter: Akshay Anand
Designers: Mehak Mahajan, Abdullah Khan
Video Production: Akshay Raheja
Developers: Mandeep Singh, Hemant Kumar

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Ad Eagle's picture

Superb and simple! Why didn't nobody ever think of this?

<ahref="http:">Blackswan Inc</a>		's picture

No Po Po!!! Loved it guys.