They're (formerly) grrrrreat!

In honor of ABC/Geico's Cavemen sitcommercial, Salon visits the Home for Retired Advertising Icons.

"A show with three guys," Mike said. "You want a show about three guys? You tell me, what's gonna be better, three brothers going through life together, challenging each other, pushing each other to try new things, talking at the breakfast table? Or three cavemen with bad fake beards trying to score chicks over Smirnoff Ices? Huh? You tell me."

Lovely stuff.

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Allan1's picture

Many years ago (don't ask me how many), I believe that Alka-Seltzer brought back Speedy Alka-Seltzer from an old ad icon retirement home (The ESSO/Exxon Tiger was there, among others).

So the idea of the ad retirement home has been used at least once before (if not twice - see Mr. Whipple's return [before his actual demise]).