Tide to Go Stainpen - Interview (2007) 0:30 (USA)

Client: Procter & Gamble
Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, New York
Chief Creative Officer: Tony Granger
Executive Creative Directors: Jan Jacobs/Leo Premutico
Creative Director: Audrey Huffenreuter
Copywriters: Peter Albores/Nathan Frank
Art Director: Dan Lucey
Agency Producer: Dani Stoller
Production Company: DAB HAND Media, New York
Producers: Luke Beauchamp/Ira Brooks
Director: Calle Astrand
Director of Photography: Martin Tedin
Editing Facility: Whitehouse

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Plywood's picture

Not a new spot, but GOLD, GOLD, GOLD.
Brilliant idea, insight, execution, casting - everything is perfect.

Dabitch's picture

Genious! Also, I swear that stain speaks Swedish at some point. Probably just me ears messing with me - though the director is swedish so maaaybe....

caffeinegoddess's picture

It won a 2007 Cannes Silver Lion too.

James Trickery's picture

Kickass ad.

Neo's picture

Fantastic ad and deserving the superbowl spot. Why can't hey just create a new ad for the bowl this good, I wonder? Congrats to the creatives & agency, well done.

caffeinegoddess's picture

So the end of the spot for the Super Bowl directed people to mytalkingstain.com where they are asking people to create their own spoof of the ad on their youtube channel. The winning spoof will air on "Prime Time TV".

Andreas-Udd's picture

This is great,and it does sound like there's some Swedish thrown in there. "Personer, övers, fyra...".

aby90's picture

Rate it a 4

aby90's picture

How distracting a stain can really be!

aby90's picture

Good audio to fit the bill!

Neaner's picture

This only got a 4.4 rating? It's fucking fantastic!

Dabitch's picture

Adland posse is a really tough crowd youknow. ;)