Toronto Blue Jays - Pebble/Alex Rios (2008) 0:30 (Canada)

Agency: Publicis, Toronto
Production Company: Partners Film Inc., Toronto
Director: James Haworth

Note from director James Haworth:
It’s great to be a part of the latest films - they're a bit of a departure from the previous ones. Set in the 70’s and 80’s and shot in Florida on Color Reversal film, a film stock that was prevalent back in the day, and it gives the viewer a feeling of how things were, visually, in that time - especially in the 70’s.

Titles: Fishing, Pebble, Veggie
Client: Toronto Blue Jays
VP of Marketing, Toronto Blue Jays: Laurel Lindsay
Creative Agency: Publicis, Toronto
Creative Director: Duncan Bruce
Group Creative Directors: Tim Kavander, Bill Newbery
Art Director: Mark Spalding
Copywriter: Miles Markovic
Agency Producer: Erica Metcalfe
Production Company: Partners Film Inc., Toronto
Director: James Haworth
Director of Photography: Tico Poulakakis
Executive Producer: Aerin Barnes
Producers: Aerin Barnes, Stanny Park
Editorial: Leo Zahartos, Blue Highway, Toronto
Visual Effects: Alex Boothby, Technicolor
Sound Design: Grayson Matthews, Toronto

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yeah, I thought so too.