Toyota Camry - Slippery/Styling (2006) 0:60 (NZ)

Production Company: Brand New School
Director: Brand New School - Jonathan & Jens
DP: Chris White
EP: Dan Sormani, Brent Holt
Line Producer: Katie Kilberg
Regional ECD: Darren Spiller
Copywriters: Steve Jackson, Alex Derwin
Head of Art: Simon Cox
Art Director: Russell Heubach
Agency Producer: Nigel Kenneally
Post Producer: Amanda Slamin
Asst. Producer: Jess Pierik
CG Supervisor: Dickson Chow
3D Artists: Helen Choi, Mike Papagni, Jordan Blit, Kyle Cassidy, Kitty Lin, Kim Kehoe, Matt Connolly, Tony Barbieri, Ylli Orana, Sung Kim, Doug Vitarelli, Ho Sik Nam
Flame Artist: Blake Huber
Compositors: Irene Park, Bee Jin Tan, Jin Lee, Jose Fuentes, Amber Kusmenko
Rotoscope: Tonya Smay, Brendan Smith, Connie Conrad, Shana Silberberg, Anca Risa
Concept Artist/Matte Painter: Ronald Kuraiawan
Designers: Keetra Dixon, Danny Ruiz, Eric Adolfsen, Ludovic Schorno
Shoot Location: New Zealand

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