Toyota - Jessica Long's Story / Upstream (2021) :60 (USA)

This is really nicely shot, I simply love the execution. Jessica Long swims past her younger self at several stages in life, and her mother as she receives the phone call about her adoption, and rare condition. It's quite magical to watch. I am sure this will grab the attention of many viewers this Super Bowl. And it is possible that they too will wonder like I do, why the same phone call that Jessica's mother gets, begins at a home office desk and ends at the kitchen table....

Ad Agency: Saatchi&Saatchi

Director. Tarsem Singh

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Sandorf's picture

This was beautifully shot. Having gone through a long hard road before we finally got to adopt our daughter, this was really emotional for me and my wife to see. But not in a sad way, we both thought it was beautiful. We will be cheering Jessica Long on she keeps swimming upstream. Much love.

Paralympics next's picture

She's from Maryland, she's gorgeous, and she's unstoppable. I love Jessica Long and this ad made me tear up.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This was my favorite ad of any Super Bowl in my lifetime. I'm a pro-life PWD, and this was just amazing. This will always be my favorite.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This story was incredible, but why Toyota?

kidsleepy's picture

Toyota's TeamUSA sponsorship is the only ad worth watching so far and incredibly moving and well done.