"Transactions" with Seinfeld for Acura NSX Super Bowl ad. (sixty second version)

What’s the deal with Seinfeld and cars? Jason Alexander sold Chrysler with Lee Iacocca pretendeding George Steinbrenner 7 years ago. And why does the Seinfeld udder keep getting wrung? The thing’s been dry for ages.

This kitchen sink extended spot for Acura features everything. Try: The Soup Nazi, a munchkin, a jet pack flying squirrel suit, sock puppets, zip lines, aliens, boats, the warmed over observational shtick that was funny back in 1996, and a nemesis named Jay Leno. While the Leno tie in makes sense, as both he and Seinfeld are car aficionados, Newman would have been funnier for the end joke.

Strangely, in all the chaos there is very little Acura NSX.

But there is a button. Because apparently it is some rule that Super Bowl Spots must have buttons.

Still, the idea of two rich guys fighting over who gets to be the first to own a new car isn’t that appealing. Especially when you don’t know why they want to own it except for the aesthetic shots.

In this case, we’re guessing the :30 will be funnier. Because as it stands, 1:52 seconds is a long way to go for a ham sandwich.

Wheat from chaff, people. Wheat from chaff.

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