Trident - "Fresh" / Elevator Trip (literally) - (2008) :40 (UK)

Another version of the old idea of chewing gum as psychedelic drug that creates watery images. This one is trippier than others though
Agency: JWT London

Russell Ramsey, Executive Creative Director
Phillip Meyler, Creative
Darren Keff, Creative
Dean Baker, Agency Producer
Director: Traktor
Production Company: Partizan
Music: Soul Beat Pt II by Jim Waller and the Deltas
Sound: Wave

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purplesimon's picture

They were giving out packs of this stuff at my train station this morning. Hard to avoid.

Anyway, back to the ad. I think they've got this right now, after all the furore about the street poet being racist. I like this trippy dream world that these serial chewers inhabit, I just wish they'd learn to bin the bloody stuff once they've done with it in their mouths.

madamrobot's picture

"I like this trippy dream world that these serial chewers inhabit, I just wish they'd learn to bin the bloody stuff once they've done with it in their mouths."

That is the tits off funniest thing I've heard or read all year

Neaner's picture

That dog with his face was a nice touch.