TrueMove H - Giving / Thieving boy & Doctor - (2013) 3:00 (Thailand)

Bring out the kleenex! It's an epic Thai ad again, and as you all know they're either total tearjerkers or surreal humor. This one is the former, so brace yourself. The karma-story told here spans 30 years, and many many tears, ending on the tagline "giving is the best communication".

It may not be as far fetched as you think, remember AT&T's "You will" campaign? TrueMove wants to create opportunities, and make Thailand a better place. The story of Dr. Prajak Arunthong is familiar from an urban legend currently flourishing in Thai social media, and in a country where nearly 95% are Buddhist the idea of karma is well familiar. A company wanting to express that they too believe in the greater good and has that in their brand DNA, does well by making us cry for three minute straight. Even if I hate them for it. *sob*

Client: TrueMove H

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Nsri5's picture

Proud to be Thai after seeing that ad. good to know that all the progress and modernisation hasn't totally diminished what makes Thais special. I'm fine with the dirt, grime and pollution as long as we don't lose our hearts and souls.

Thailand, Chaiyo!

Issame benhari's picture

Best regard to Dr prajak Arunthong and to thailand.
Issame from Morocco.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Good god that's great!

Dabitch's picture

It made you a little verklempt, didn't it?

PT_Player's picture

This show us how given things to anothers peoples can be very good too us..