TSFF 2016 "Escape room" (2016) 1:40 (Canada)

For the Toronto Silent Film Festival 2016, they showcased seven films that were thought to have been lost or destroyed. Red Lion Canada promoted this by creating the first ever Escape Room on Instagram. in which silent movie fans had to find clues, solve puzzles, find hidden film reels and more to escape. The room was so challenging, very few fans found all the clues. But the lucky few who managed to escape told their story to the police, and help is on the way for those who are still stuck in the Instagram locked room.

Client: Toronto Silent Film Festival
Agency: Red Lion Canada
President, Chief Creative Officer: Matt Litzinger
Associate Creative Director: Pepe Bratanov
Designer: Duncan Collis
Copywriter: Kyle Carpenter
Account Director: Nicole Spinner
Account Executive: Abi Berkley
Solutions Director: Lauren Brown
Producer: Meghan Cassidy
Director: Eden Robbins

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