Virgin Holidays "Dream bigger," (2015) :30 (UK)

Virgin Holidays is having a huge sale starting in January, encouraging travelers to dream bigger and use big typefaces. You may remember the track from a lot of places including Nicole Kidman belting it out for Moulin Rouge but in this case, it's up and comer Rae Morris carrying that torch song aside an orchestra.

Client: Virgin Client name: Jay Kossifos, Head of Brand Agency: M&C Saatchi Senior Account Manager: Emily Stewart Senior Account Director: Laura Stevenson Copywriter: Ash Prentice Art Director: James Child Photographer: Erik Almas Production company: HLA Audio Post Production: 750 mph Post Production: The Mill Music: Rae Morris Song: "One Day I'll Fly Away," sung by Rae Morris

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Vicki kress's picture

We love the commercial - and would like to know where the waterfall is filmed and the treetop safari dwelling please if you could help or direct us to a contact that might? We will definitely be booking our Virgin holiday
Kindest regards
Vicki Kress

raquel's picture

Stunning advert, where is the waterfall location?

AnonymousCoward's picture

Exactly the same question, where is that waterfall?