Vodka-logo receives complaints from muslims in Germany, logo looks too much like "Allah"

"We have heard a lot of suggestions on what our logo looks like: A dragon, a squirrel, a lion ".... says the brands spokesperson, "but this one - we have not heard before."

In the town of Gelsenkirchen the vodka company Kaliskaya has been protested against in no less than three supermarkets, Why? According to the protesters, the logo looks too much like the name Allah. They explained to the staff that the logo insulted Muhammad, because: In the left half, it resembles Mohammed's Arabic lettering, while the snake in the right half obviously consumes the Prophet.

The staff in 3 of the supermarkets local stores have been called on to remove the vodka bottles from the assortment, as the logo according to angry protesting Muslims insults Allah. A spokesperson from the city's police, Christian Zander, tells the big German newspaper 'Bild' that a number of men and women, have threatened the staff in order to make them remove the product from the shelves. A 41 year old man has been identified as one of the perpetrators of these protests, he allegedly threatened a young Rewe employee that he would destroy the bottles if they stayed on the shelf.

"The case is at the public prosecutor's office," said Zander, adding that the police do not think it's an offensive logo. "It takes a lot of imagination and lots of boredom if you recognize the name of Allah in this. The case seems completely incomprehensible."

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