Volkswagen - "Toss" - (2013) :30 (USA)

The dad & son bonding moment, where dad, still in suitpants and tie, is tossing a ball with his son. They both throw like they are weak orangutans, so the car behind dad is safe from any possible dents. & even if it wasn't, it's as reliable as a VW is, so it'll bring that kid to college one day, which he will not be attending thanks to any baseball scholarship, clearly.

Client Credits:
EVP, Chief Product and Marketing Officer: Tim Mahoney
VP, Marketing: Kevin Mayer
General Manager Marketing Communications: Justin Osborne
Advertising Manager: Jeff Sayen
Advertising Specialist: Chanel Arola

Deutsch Creative Credits:
Chief Creative Officer: Mark Hunter
Group Creative Director: Michael Kadin
Group Creative Director: Matt Ian
Associate Creative Director: Brian Friedrich
Associate Creative Director: Mark Peters
Senior Art Director: Ryan McLaughlin
Copywriter: Cam Miller
Director of Integrated Production: Vic Palumbo
Director of Content Production: Victoria Guenier
Executive Producer: Jim Haight
Senior Producer: Eva Ellis

Production Company Credits and Address:
Imperial Woodpecker
1707 Berkeley Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Director: Simon McQuoid
Executive Producer: Doug Halbert
Line Producer: Anita Wetterstedt

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